Tag Search Results:

Outer Banks
Pea Island NWR Sand Pattern

Pea Island NWR Sand Pattern

I let the real-time conditions determine my shooting schedule and direction in place.  This type of responsive strategy forces me to always adapt, to be flexible.  It keeps the actual practice of landscape photography less bullish and more like a dance, I think.  The...

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Snow Jennettes Fishing Pier

Snow Jennettes Fishing Pier

There’s snow in the overnight forecast.  It’s coming from the south.  What?  Is this something that actually happens?  We wake on the morning of January 22nd with no real plans.  We—my mother (also a photographer) and I—just want to see snow on the beach.  In all the...

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Rainbow Roanoke Marshes Lighthouse

Rainbow Roanoke Marshes Lighthouse

For nearly all of my biggest shots—the photographs that feature the most undeniable moments of light and atmosphere in the natural world—there’s a clusterfuck of poor and questionable decisions by me behind the lens!  Mistakes that nearly derail the capture.  That...

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Jockeys Ridge Sand Pattern

Jockeys Ridge Sand Pattern

The weather is always the driver of my outdoor photography.  My ability (or inability) to adapt to the weather is likely the single greatest barometer regarding success or failure behind my lens.  As the first week of January pushed by without many frames, I was...

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Photo Journal:  Outer Banks Winter 2025

Photo Journal: Outer Banks Winter 2025

January 2025 Outer Banks North Carolina / Winter / Coast Each winter I travel to the coast of North Carolina in January to photograph the barrier islands of the Outer Banks.  A migration of sorts, I guess.  This year, the average temperatures were well below normal....

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Outer Banks Fishing Pier

Outer Banks Fishing Pier

During winter 24' a strange 4-day stretch of weather left the Outer Banks shrouded in thick fog along the Atlantic Ocean.  It stuck around all morning and into the early afternoon.  I wish, in hindsight, that I had noted the unique set of weather conditions that...

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Black Sea Glass with Benicia Iridescence

Black Sea Glass with Benicia Iridescence

While walking the beach one very cold and windy winter morning in January 24' I found this beautiful piece of black sea glass along Cape Hatteras National Seashore.  It was wet, solid black.  Not sure if it was a rock or glass, I held it up to the overcast sky and got...

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Crab Pots Outer Banks

Crab Pots Outer Banks

I drove past this stack of crab pots day after day during the winter of 2024.  My rental home was nearby and this area was a frequent way point for me to get eyes on the current environmental conditions.  The visual pattern and colors of these stacked crab pots always...

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Nags Head Causeway Sunrise

Nags Head Causeway Sunrise

It's general practice for me to be on location forty-five minutes to one-hour before sunrise.  I can't know what's going to happen at first light.  There's no app for that--and I wouldn't use it anyhow.  Each morning I wake up and show up to read the conditions,...

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Oregon Inlet Mudflat

Oregon Inlet Mudflat

When I parked at beach access ramp #4 along Cape Hatteras National Seashore on January 10, 2024 I had no ideas about what I might photograph, only that sunset might provide opportunity.  What I needed was a walk.  Walking clears my head and is often associated, for...

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Whalehead Club

Whalehead Club

For several years I've been over-wintering in North Carolina's Outer Banks.  There's a set of conditions that will always have me driving north towards this bright yellow Art Nouveau home at Corolla Historic Park:  calm (no wind) and clear (no clouds).  In my limited...

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Basnight & Bonner Bridges

Basnight & Bonner Bridges

My mother always feared the Bonner Bridge!  And for good reason.  It was routinely ranked as one of the worst bridges in America.  Like spoiled milk, the Bonner had long passed it's stated expiration date.  By the early 2000's, the bridge--built in 1963--had long...

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Photo of the Day:  February 28, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 28, 2022

As February draws to a close, it's time again for me to turn my attention away from the coast and into the forest.  Life is certainly on the cusp of popping out of the thick leaf litter once again.  And decay.  Mushrooms and fungi. Like the False Turkey Tail Mushrooms...

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Photo of the Day:  February 27, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 27, 2022

"And then, some morning in the second week, the mind wakes, comes to life again.  Not in a city sense--no--but beach-wise.  It begins to drift, to play, to turn over in gentle careless rolls like those lazy waves on the beach.  One never knows what chance treasures...

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Photo of the Day:  February 26, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 26, 2022

When I was a boy--aside from the obvious ball sports like basketball and football--I spent my time with a bunch of matchbox cars that I liked to line up and organize every day.  I'm not sure what I got out of that.  I also had a bunch of marbles and crayons.  I've...

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Photo of the Day:  February 25, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 25, 2022

As a kid, my family always went to the Outer Banks in the heat of summer.  I came to love the Outer Banks during summer.  First, it was simply spending all day long in the waves.  Not coming out until my eyes were bloodshot and my skin sunburned.  Then, it was...

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Photo of the Day:  February 24, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 24, 2022

The Scotch Bonnet is considered, by many, to be the holy grail of beachcombing finds in North Carolina.  This little three-inch long, plaid checkered sea snail shell is quite a difficult find.  Oddly enough, the Scotch Bonnet was deemed the official state shell of...

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Photo of the Day:  February 23, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 23, 2022

Did you know that sea pottery, or sea china, was a thing?  I didn't! Sea pottery is shards of broken earthenware that has undergone the same process as sea glass:  broken, tumbled, smoothed and spit back into the shell hash with the tides.  When I first started...

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Photo of the Day:  February 21, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 21, 2022

New home for sale:  priced to move.  Bargain.  May have dings, dents, and considerable blemish to the finish.  Spacious interior.  Unconditioned space.  Single occupancy preferred.  Best offers only. Shark-Eye Moon Snail Shell found along Cape Hatteras National...

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Photo of the Day:  February 19, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 19, 2022

Happy #stackersaturday! It always gives me a kick thinking about what is considered acceptable, honorable uses of ones time, energy and effort.  And, on the flip side, what is considered wasteful, unproductive, and ultimately unacceptable. I've spent twelve hour days...

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Photo of the Day:  February 18, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 18, 2022

This was one of those poor-planning-lazy-wakeup-didn't-quite-get-to-my-location-on-time type of photographs!  By the time we cruised around the circle in front of the historic Bodie Island Lighthouse, the sky was already doing its thing.  I just pulled the car onto...

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Photo of the Day:  February 15, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 15, 2022

Pure seascapes are something I love to shoot.  Nothing but the ocean and the sky.  The interface between land and water; marine and terrestrial.  Moving water is mesmerizing to me and so fun to shoot behind the lens.  Add some good light and all the ingredients are...

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Photo of the Day:  February 13, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 13, 2022

After several successful winters, I was baited into extending my typical one-month stay into a two-month adventure including February.  It didn't go well.  January was a bust.  Weather was cold and wet.  My productivity was minimal.  February was much the same.  There...

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Photo of the Day:  February 12, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 12, 2022

I saw a photograph by Susannah (@lulannah) on Instagram of lichen on an American Holly tree within Nags Head Woods Preserve.  The lichen was bright red and spread in patches of varying intensity over the light gray bark of the tree.  It was amazing!  I was instantly...

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Photo of the Day:  February 11, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 11, 2022

Day two of showing Kristi Parsons around the Outer Banks began with lots of potential.  The calm conditions from the night before held on over night; the forecast called for reflective sunrise conditions.  Skies were crowded with clouds.  Everything was lining up...

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Photo of the Day:  February 10, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 10, 2022

In 2019 I teamed up with Kristi Parsons to put together a 2020 Spirit of the Southern Appalachian Mountains calendar.  Kristi's efforts to sell the calendar were so successful that we decided to use the profits to spend a week in the Outer Banks, a place Kristi had...

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Photo of the Day:  February 8, 2022

Photo of the Day: February 8, 2022

The Outer Banks are part of a lichen biodiversity hotspot.  I had no idea!  I'm familiar with lichens from my work in the Southern Appalachians, often considered the crown jewel of lichen biodiversity in this country.  But, the Outer Banks?   It turns out that the...

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