PUBLICATION: Our State Magazine
ARTICLE: A Most Welcome New Year
PHOTO USE: Two-page spread, pages #60-61
I had the great opportunity to kick off the New Year with a two-page photo spread in Our State Magazine. “A Most Welcome New Year” written by Susan Stafford Kelly is a beautiful essay on both the routine and the special aspects of a new year, a new calendar, and new opportunities. I picked up my copy today at a Food Lion in Nags Head, North Carolina as I’m currently spending the month of January in the Outer Banks!
This photograph was made from the observation deck at the Historic Bodie Island Lighthouse, looking east over the freshwater marsh towards NC-12 (the Outer Banks Scenic Byway) and the Atlantic Ocean. When the winds lay down on the barrier islands, so much of the water surface becomes a reflective mirror to the dynamic skies above.
A huge thank you to the folks over at Our State Magazine for the opportunity. I’m still trying to get back onto my feet after this past year and starting the year off with a beautiful feature is certainly welcome. I appreciate you. Thank you.
“On January 1, 2021, in the bleak mid-winter, as the hymn goes, the sun will rise over the horizon of the Atlantic Ocean. Its rays will work their way over fishing shacks and wind swept sands and harbor villages.”
Two-page spread of coastal sun beams along Cape Hatteras National Seashore in Our State Magazine’s January 2021 issue. The image appears on page(s) #60-61.
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