Photography Blog

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Long Creek Falls

Long Creek Falls

I moved to South Carolina for college in 2001.  Soon enough, I was taken with the surrounding landscapes, particularly the waterfalls.  This was long before the tourism board made any efforts to mark or sign these landscape features.  Waterfalls were, for me,...

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Liverwort Macro

Liverwort Macro

Much of the biodiversity in the Southern Appalachian Mountains occurs at a small scale:  liverworts, mosses, ferns etc.  Becoming comfortable with a macro rig has been hugely liberating for me and my photography. This is a liverwort, a non-vascular land plant that...

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Virginia Bluebells Dew

Virginia Bluebells Dew

I didn't grow up in a naturally rich environment.  The suburbs of Washington D.C. are not exactly a playground of wild environments.  However, there are surprising pockets of abundance.  Every spring, along the rich alluvial floodplains of the Potomac River, Virginia...

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Chattooga River Vernal Pool

Chattooga River Vernal Pool

While photographing a rapid along the Wild & Scenic Chattoga River in Georgia, I began to notice the teeming life within the vernal pools along the banks of this section of river.  Vernal pools are seasonal puddles, distinctinve types of wetlands that are devoid...

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