Photography Blog

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Liverwort Macro

Liverwort Macro

Much of the biodiversity in the Southern Appalachian Mountains occurs at a small scale:  liverworts, mosses, ferns etc.  Becoming comfortable with a macro rig has been hugely liberating for me and my photography. This is a liverwort, a non-vascular land plant that...

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Virginia Bluebells Dew

Virginia Bluebells Dew

I didn't grow up in a naturally rich environment.  The suburbs of Washington D.C. are not exactly a playground of wild environments.  However, there are surprising pockets of abundance.  Every spring, along the rich alluvial floodplains of the Potomac River, Virginia...

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Chattooga River Vernal Pool

Chattooga River Vernal Pool

While photographing a rapid along the Wild & Scenic Chattoga River in Georgia, I began to notice the teeming life within the vernal pools along the banks of this section of river.  Vernal pools are seasonal puddles, distinctinve types of wetlands that are devoid...

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Sweet Pinesap

Sweet Pinesap

I'll always remember the late Jim Fowler, local wildflower expert, when I photograph Sweet Pinesap.  It was his writing and detailed blog posts about this rare plant that lead me to crawling around the forest seeking the beautiful smells of nutmeg, clove and cinnamon....

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Oconee Bell Pair

Oconee Bell Pair

I became aware of Oconee Bell wildflowers when I moved to South Carolina to attend Clemson University.  In 2022, after over nearly twenty years experimenting with photographing these beautiful wildflowers, I finally got myself and my gear in alignment, and I made what...

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Outer Banks Fishing Pier

Outer Banks Fishing Pier

During winter 24' a strange 4-day stretch of weather left the Outer Banks shrouded in thick fog along the Atlantic Ocean.  It stuck around all morning and into the early afternoon.  I wish, in hindsight, that I had noted the unique set of weather conditions that...

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